Friday, July 25, 2008,
I'm not a miley cyrus fan... but I lvoe this song.. hahah.. and I was so bored with my old one so tadah new song.
ok quick update for the week.
lunch/quick catch up at aud's on monday was nice :D
then the rest of week.. went back into the boring things i do everyday.... I tried to wake up earlier.. but today i woke up at 11.40.. terrible... epic phail.
bored bored.. and august is approaching.. which means a month closer to the a's madness.......
i dunno what to say for now so kthnxbye~ :D
o ps: pet i fixed your link on my blog finally..
and mtv is playing noona you're so pretty WAHAHAHAHHA.. kass i blame you and the parodies.. tsktsk.. :D
4:34 PM
Wednesday, July 09, 2008,

There's this up and coming event,
FASHION FOR A CAUSE up at ZOUK!!! (by my yec btw but how cool is that a cc event in a club!!!) (yes this means no under 18-s :D not your lame ass no alc. party!!)(o this also means bring your i/c :D)
It's On the 19th of July! from 7.30 til late~~~It's not just any party, It's a
fashion showcase of the works from the students of La Salle School of the Arts but also
to raise funds for the Thalassemia Society.
Tickets are selling at
$15 and you can order them at this number:
675556369or buy at the door
or can ask me to help you guys order!! :D *no I'm not earning profits from this. doh it's called volunteer work for a reason*
There'll be your standard drink plus one-for-one bottle offer!!!
That's right! One-for-One BOTTLE!!! woots. :D
o if that's not enough to add as a push, fashion showcase = models+good clothes= HOTNESS PLEASE!
So please please come. I promise you won't regret it. And do pass the word around yea? Lotsa love! and see ya there!!!
yes i'm awfully excited for someone who can't go.... BUT if you guys go you guys can feedback to me yo! and you guys have been wanting to club as a big group for so long... I swear you guys will have a great time.
Bring your friends k? love love.
10:58 PM