Monday, May 29, 2006,
SHOPPING SPREE!!!well not exactly but i did bought new shoes and coloured contacts.....
i love my new shoes tho my heart is lusting for my puma suede's which screams buy me... but outta budget concerns.. I bought my levi's denim shoes!... woots....

hmm sprry for the lousy photograph.. taken from my phone.. anywayz.. Love me love my shoes.. hate me.. Love my Shoes anyways hahhahah and i just realised the grey tint in my blog is screwing up the photos colours....
next on my contacts... on to cam whoring photos of me!

ME WITH CONTACTS (but cannot see propperly though.. it's damn obcious when hear or under the light)

My eye without contacts

My eye with brown coloured contacts

yes it's supposed to be brown.. freaky huh? now i dun dare to look my mom in the face directly.. i'm avoiding her at all costs... hahha....
but happy happy me... i got new shoes got coloured contacts and even got to see muppet even though it's not a school day.. lallala.....
4:41 PM
Sunday, May 28, 2006,
been watching this show yvonne's been hooked on since forever(devil by your side) hey btw von, we seriously gotta meet up i've got so many of your cds!
i now know why she was hooked to the show.... yes He jun xiang is so cute! despite it's ridculous plot at times... *rolls eyeballs... it's pretty enjoyable and esp when it comes to the sweet parts.. you can't stop grinning from ear to ear.
weird thing was.. well... the lead reminds me of... him... it made me emo.. but the thing he does is exactly the same! the way he teases and jokes and... now i'm all emo-ey.. i guess only von will know who i'm talking abt tho i think she will protest violently cuz He jun xiang is way too cute to be compared to him...yea tell me abt it.... yang cheng ling is so darn cute too! sigh.. *enters emo mode...
11:05 PM
Saturday, May 27, 2006,
tell a thousand lies to cover up the first lie
my whole life have been a lie
even you are a lie too
3:10 PM
Thursday, May 25, 2006,
Happy 17th birthday my darling petrina!
you're only one year away from legal clubbing age! Woots! lol.... happy happy birthday.. and because you are so special, u're birthday is seperated and celebrated on 3 different days! HA.. actually no.. it's because diff pple can only make it on different days so.. yea.. Anywayz.. I'm sorry that i was late today. Ihad a good reason which you'll find out either tml or on sat... then again you may not...
I'm not good with words..and expressing myself but.. hey i'm gonna try
Petrina, i remember alot of stuff about us very clearly of everything when we first met til now... hahahha... Thank you for being there for me... for freaking out even more than me for my appeal. for cyring with me for that. For being emo-ey together with me. For letting me poke lotsa fun at u. (sorry >.<) for partnering me to suan douglas together. For accompanying me when i felt like ponning classes.... For getting me to pon classes.. LOL... for every single tear of laughter and of sorrow that i shed with you. I lost count of the number of times we rolled on the floor overwhelmed with laughter... For putting up with my temper adn my sometimes self-absorbness... For introducing a whole new element of fun in Cj.For being my life bouy when i first got back into CJ again... You may not know it then but i was heavily emotionally depengent on you then. Thank you for every thing, petrina. Thank you for doing stupid stuffs with me. Thank you for being.. well you.
Listen carefully cause i'm just going to say this once(actually read and type.. but hell).Yes, only once cause the very next day i'm gonna go back to poking fun at you. You are a great talented girl and a great friend. You're good at almost everything you do because you set your teeth down and do it. You're creative and smart and a beautiful young lady both on the inside and outside.(jolly this sounds like a love confession... but reassured i only swing oneway and it ain't your way LOL) It's only been a short 4-5 months but it feels like i've known you for a long time. we may not know everything that went on in each others' life... but it's okay. I know i've found a lasting friend in you. Someone i can trust and rely on. You have my back and i just wanna let you know... I have yours too.
Happy 17th birthday my dear petrina. May your day turn out as beatifully as you deserved.
P.s: did you cry??? :P
9:21 PM
Tuesday, May 23, 2006,
Got Tagged by Daniel
i'm bored... so there hahahha
1. The tagged victims have to come up with eight different points of his/her perfect lover.
2. Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover. (duh.)
3. Tag eight other victimes to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.
4. If you are tagged the second time, there's no need to do this AGAIN.
5. Lastly, most importantly, HAVE. FUN. DOING. IT
Gender: MALE (swinging only in that way)
Eight points:
1. taller than me
2. Humourous but know when to be serious
3. confortable with physical intimacy i.e hugging....
4. makes me feel secure
5. romantic
6. caring/kind
7. remembers stuff - like dates
8. Be there for me when i need him
The 8 other people i tag :
Stephenie (AI)
10:45 PM
Saturday, May 13, 2006,
walking ard on a ankle with a swelling the sizze of a golfball... minature one that is.... yes i twisted my ankle again!!! for the hundredth time.... grr....
o wells elseside from that.. today has been a fun day.. went to escape and played.. however din get to go on the walls ride and the go karts and the inverter was under maintainence again!!!!.... but it was fun.. and i still owe petrina money.. hahha.. i dun like the viking now.. change le.. become so small.... and i slid forward at the wet and wild ride so from the back i slid to directly behind petrina... twisted my hand slightly in proces...then it rained... and the family coaster was really violent.... But it was fun! o wait.. it doesn't sound very fun does it? lol... no it was seriously fun.. i just got back from a chinese mother's day dinner/mass at my aunt's church that's why.. lil. shagged now.. will go sleep lat....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
11:02 PM
Tuesday, May 09, 2006,
i've a grt new sexy voice...
stupid flu
and thanks nats for acc-ing me the whole day
7:40 PM