Tuesday, January 31, 2006,
3rd daytoday has been a fine fine day.... went to watch memoirs... not too bad la... went visting early morn...then angie ming quan and jes came my hse... photos are up.. i hugged him.... lalala... today has been a fine fine day....
7:48 PM
Monday, January 30, 2006,
Happy Winter-een-mas and CNYperformance for cny ended on fri w/o a glitch... hehe.. super funny.. go douglas the geisha/mafia dude... had fun torturing him with makeup... cld hear shal screaming go Dougy all the way frm the other end of the theatre.. super funny.. and I love the dance part esp the retro part so darn cool.. got hand jive and a bit of night fever moves... and the costumes are so darn cool!!!! The ODAC put up a really funny performance too.. laughed my ass off...then after tt it was back to study.. CJC is prob. the only kuku jc w/o half day off... Thanks Br. Paul... eve of the eve phooey....went back to yishun to meet up wif chenxi josh yinrui lanfang zahirah and chenyang.... gosh.. we spent 3-4 hrs in the food court doin ntg.. hahhaha... fun... kinda.. missed them.. saw Nats in the food court, ran over and punched his tummy... not sure y i did tt tho.. impulse... =P.
New year has been so so... It's not very chinese new year-ish this year...
dear god pls dun let bobby's words come true.. sigh....boring and weird... even the late nite
gambling bonding with cards games session din feel as fun as last year...
Dun talk abt him liddat...
i would defend him but i was
so angry that i was choking
back tears... and i as afraid
if i talked i wld cry and my
argument wld fall to pieces...
He's not liddat.. so shut up...
shut up!!! He may not be the best,
But neither are u,so dun judge him
5:11 PM
Tuesday, January 24, 2006,
Steff and Turaiya wonder girl and super womanhad pe today.. wasn't as strenous on the muscles as last week but a lot more on the respiratory.. sux to be me.. no stamina no speed no strength.. hahha.... thankfully steff was there encouraging every1.. she's like super cool.... michelle and gillian actually ran 6 rounds(guys' route) and michelle actually came back faster then us.. she's another super pro..*envious* then after the run we went for pull ups.. incline... the skinny girls in my class are really strong?!! audrey Tsen audrey Lim Audrey tan.. the 3 Audreys.. hah.. steff and turaiya both did 32?!! super cool! wonder girl and superwoman! then after pe went back class, then sit crap listen music sing songs.. michelle was super hyper haha.. daniel teased her and doug.. then she lost it and went like no daniel you are my bf... hahhaha.. then daniel was like okay lor.. eh douglas sorry... wan fight with me arh? come la.. let's fight.. then douglas stood up walked towards him and said.. daniel i love u.. hahhah lol...
I tink i forgot to mention now douglas sit beside michelle in class... they are like super funny la... super duper... hahah.. when i first met michelle, i tot she's cute but queit and studious type.. but now.. woah.. she totally changed my tots abt her.. she's funny hialrious a bit siao to hang out with and.. hahha... super fun to be with... her laughter cracks pple up la.. super contagious...
today we (kass shiyi kerryn Aud and me) made fun of bobby.. hahha... they were talking abt bobby deflowering an egg.. hhahahha.... so super gross la.. then we cannot stop laughing... laughed like siao.. then bobby also laughing.. until he so grossed out that he cannot eat his egg la... hahha.. super funny...
lalala~ 1T01 rocks... we have guys who aren't afraid of wearing skirts and pinafores.. guys who have theme songs... girls who are siao and makes up funny cheers or songs on the spot... we have our very own one and only boblous.. hahha.. 1T01.. thank you for making cj so super fun!!!
6:41 PM
Monday, January 23, 2006,
i'm growing attached to my class...
7:28 PM
Saturday, January 21, 2006,
bishphotobucket hates me.... and i hate cjc pe.. actually not that bad la.. but ow my tighs and stomach... ow... super ow... i walked like a cripple for onw whole day today.... went to some polys open houses today.. TP is very big.. but ntg much to walk abt... saw an ice cream vending machine and me angie and jes were so fascinated by it...then went sp... sp like very fun liddat.. but super far la.. dover lei.... then frm there went orchard.. shop with jes... saw Geraldson at subway... then saw this really cute shirt at far est.. last piece le.. but 70 bucks.. i dun have tt kinda money.. even if i have, my heart will positively break.. haha... then went bk saw this super cute guy.. first time my taste and jes taste coincide.. hahah... then went to hula& co.. and i bought this earring.......then left them halfway to go home... lalala....
someday.. when photobucket stops hating me, i'll do an update on my class..... someday...or maybe i'll switch to shutterfly... i dunno.. someday.. just not today.. hahhahaha
sidenote: i so do not know what to do for my mortal.... haiz....
5:48 PM
Tuesday, January 10, 2006,
HMM HOO HUMMMRaining like siao the past few days.... i like the rain fair enough.. but when i can't go out and play in it.. it gets a bit sian.... so i'll blog.. lalalla...
Yesterday was damn damn fun... thankfully i didn't lose my voice.. scream and shout like nobody's business In the morning go school.. then play water games.. play a game that is something like captain's ball but this time using water bombs... then we play er.. a game which 2 person hold a plastic sheet then place a water bomb on it then we throw it over the vb net.. damn fun la... got a bit wet... then the next game is a bit disgusting but a bit funnier.. we have to run to a certain spot spin 5 rounds run to the pails collect water using any part of your body then run back spin 5 rounds and transfer the water into a bottle which is on top of elena's head.. At first some pple try to use shirt la hair la.. but nothing la.. so end up everyone use mouth which is a bit disgusting for elena la.. everything was okay until shalini she burst out laughing and everything went onto elena's head.. hahha... then douglas also.. at first okay one de.. then halfway all the water went every where but inside the bottle.. hahhaha
2days later....okay.. i forgot abt updating now i can't really recall.. all i remebered was we had super duper fun and i danced with bobby.. damn fun.. end up now me and bobby are rumoured.. damn sianz.. hahahha... details i'll tell u if asked... did a usual cjc tradition today.. yes i went town hahhahahahhaha... wee.. i like so super super love my class la... we sat at scotts food court for super long.. then we played 'I never'... super funny.. and fairly interesting stuff i learnt.. hahhaha.... really bonded with them la.. super super...had fun teasing and toruring douglas... hahhah
went for drama and judo yest ...super fun la.. drama.. was as usual good.. judo was fun.. hahhahha.... super high la....
things have been going weird with me and BW .. i dunno whether is i tink too much or wat la.. but he like very dun wanna talk to me lidat... in front of everyone.. we very norm.. then when alone i try to talk to him then like we will falter away.. like we have ntg to talk abt.. which is so weird and wrong la.. cuz we used to be able to talk so much before... maybe i just dunno him well enuff la.. only a few days only.. hahha... could be i tink too much also... but i went it very dispiriting la.. cuz he wld look damn sian then like super duper weird la..... we were in the bus just now.. he standing i sitting.. abt like 2 seats away... i was looking at the tv.. then i glanced ard and caught his eye la.. he was giving the sianded look.. i was going to smile then he looked away le... ihad the very odd feeling that he was looking at me earlier la.... maybe i too ego hahhaha..... yest also got lor.. but he was talking to natelie so no big la.. interesting to see them talk.... yest only a bit la... but today is like majorly weird.. aiya i dunno.. i 'm talking nonsense and prob thinking nonsense too....=( very upsetting lor.. like he blow hot and cold on me liddat.. arg....
aiya.. wateva la.. i sign off. le.... need to do ..stuff... (yea rite)
8:56 PM
Monday, January 09, 2006,
Finale Night1T01 ROCKS!!!!
I had super fun at finale night.. write abt it tml.. i too lazy to recount every single thing... super fun!! enough said...
10:30 PM
Sunday, January 08, 2006,
TAU HUAY STOREwarning long post aheadThursdaygot split into classes today... okay la my class... Form teacher name : MDM Mary Goh... well you guessed it.. we took the mickey out of it.. hahhah... There's this guy in my class from Cat. high (there are 3) He's frm drama and his name is Douglas.. First thing which caught my attetion is that well.. he's in drama.. hahha.. and he is good looking.. but way too skinny.. his limbs looks easily breakable.. so no go.. and his voice is like super duper duper deep.. Nic.. You have just lost utterly and completely man.. his words are sometimes hard to catch.. cause well my ears simply aren't used to receiving that frequency.. it's like rumble rumble.. hahhaha...and he has this really nice accent.. not the fake ang moh kind.. the nice charismatic kind.. hehe...o ya enuff abt him.. I'll bring him up later.. again =D! New facils... geraldson stacie and elena... all very fun pple.. stacie's a model.. very cute hahha... then we went for a talk by brother paul in the PAC audi.. very nice.. really.. all audis should be liddat man.. but as usual very boring la...
side note.. CJC actually has alot of cute guys... outta 10 there's prob 3... i know like very little rite.. back in Ai it was like out of 10 there is 0.25 or somethingmy combi is maths econs lit geog.. not my first choice but o well.. wateva.. it's only 3 months...
After that we had our house meeting.. Guess what my house is?? SURPRISE!! it's Draco damn coincidental can?! then house colour is red!!! woohoo.. I love my house already! We did house cheers to prepare for our fianle nite on monday.. fun la.. a lot better than the school cheers.. hahha... and we are allies with Apus and Pavo is our greatest enemy... then very bo liao then sch dismiss super late la... reached home at 6.. damn sian liao.. one other thing abt CJC i dun like is it is *qoute nic : ZOMG Wols! lol.. super no effiency la.. a lot of drags....came home.. slept at 10.30... i know.. the horror rite? i'm supposed to be the nite owl... but i am so darn tired...
FridayDragonboating and amazing race day.. woke up feeling like shit cuz i have to miss cca open house... comtemplated skipping school all the way til i'm in assembly.. it was too late then.. still felt like shit.... Then dragon boating started.. woots.. fun.. seriously extremely fun la.. my clas T1 lost the race so we tio splash by everyone.. it ain our fault.. we only have 5 guys... the winning team had 19... nvm.. but damn fun la.. got one part the instructor ask who wan to jump overboard.. on normal days i wld gladly have done it.. but not that particular day due to certain reasons... so stephenie (from nanyang) justin (from cat high) and er.. this other girl and douglas jumped overboard.. so we rowed away. .then they supposed to swim back.. then everyone see eh y douglas not swmimming.. then he said.. to all horror and amusement and laughter.. he was .... u guessed it.. pee-ing.. lol!!! hahha.. i wonder y he so honest.. hahhaha.....damn funny la.... i sat in front of gregory.. he told me he dun like the water.. then i'm like u dunno how to swim?!! then he said yes la... just he dun like the water.. weird... the instructor ask us to streched out our arms so that our paddle is slightly below the shoulders of the person who is sitting in front of you.. then he went like.. i cannot stretch. then i like ya lor your hands too long le no need la hahha.. then the instructor made waves.. he rocked the boat... at first it was quite scary.. after awhile... i relaxed and it felt like a see- saw... only wetter.. then my clasmates.. all screaming like siao la.. damn funny.. eveen gregory said his knees were shaking hehe..after dragon boating, everyone was damn wet so went to change.. wah super cramped la the toilets.. waited like bloody long.. then in the end.. the girls used the guys toilet... Then the guys have to wait for the girls to fin using then use hahhaha... Then i for no reason tio scolded by this old ah pek can... the girls was using the guys toilet ma.. then we saw him approached so we said sir.. then we said sir for very long and very loudly liao you know normakl pple wld just turn ard.. but no not him.. me and 2 other guys were asying sir super loudly already lor.. then he walked into the toilet i panicked then said inside got girls.. he stepped out.. then turned on me for no reason la... twent on something abt y i din stop him yadder yadder.. damn angry can then he keep on for abt 5 mins la.. the at firs ti said we call him for so long le.. then he refused to listen la.. then so i went like er yes sir sorry sir.. so on and so forth la.. then the 2 guys just stand and watched very apolegetically... basket.. super duper angry can.. Old man You deaf not my problem okay! Next time pple call you, Stop and check can or not.. damn fucked la...haiz...After that we had lunch... gregory reminded us that prayers have not been said after everyone started on their meal.. lol.. so all eating was stopped and gregory leaded the prayer... and after that for some odd reason they called him brother bobby... BB for short...He resisted it at first then well since u can't fight them join them.. so he responded when we call him bobby.. hhaah.. so after lunch we all set off for the amazing race.. by this time cca open house has started.. so i was feeling downcast and all.. and decided to bug Nic thru sms.. hehe... everything was fun la... had to look for stuff while holding hands.. had to taste weird food and guess wat ingredients were used... we spent so much time and failed that one.. hahha... then had to ferry a soccer ball using specific body parts.. then had to do a skit related to wateva was picked out.. we got pck.. so we did a skit when king kong had to go for enlistment and they want to help him pass bmtc.. hahha..at first audrey (IJTP) was margeret.. i'm rosie... surprise surprise... then douglas was Aloy and Bobby was chu beng.. kenneth was chu kang and justin was king kong.. hahah.. Then Douglas volunteered himself to be margeret.. (he wanted to add entertainment factor)lol.. he's damn good at it la... damn funny.. then we had the tauhuay dance.. made even funnier by douglas... damn funny and damn gay can.. like supreme gay... tau huay store~ go tau huay gotauhuay.. i tink the tau huay dance become our class dance le.. haha... tau huay class... douglas will neva hear the end of it... he's taumatised acc. to him.. hahha.. his acting style reminds me a little like terence... Another interesting.. rather amusing convo (to me la) i had with him was during the walk... he said he was thristy.. i offered him a drink.. he looked awkard.. then i was like *raise eyebrow.. then he muttered something along the lines of girls and guys don't share drinks.. lol... so i blurted out reallly loudly and not on purpose.. o ya. convent school.. (i swear it just slipped out)... then i went like you not used to this rite? then he nodded.. then i said.. er.. i'm from co-ed la.. back in my school, we , guys girls basically share everything la.. so i wun mind if you dun.. then he said er.. nvm it's okay... then after a while he asked me for water.hahahha.. lol lol lol... then i walked in front.. afterwards he caught up .. then he pass the bottle back to me and he said he poured the water la no contact.. then i'm lol.. it's okay.. really... hahha.. then after our whole pass ball with diff body parts thing everyone go fill bottles in the toilet.. then i came out.. he was looking very tired then he ask me still got water ma? then i said got then i pass to him then grin then said toilet water lei u sure u want? he then said nvm.. hhaha..then we got talked a bit more la... told me abt cat high gold drama how they lost the pc tablet and had to raise abt $10000 to replace it.. hahha.. his sister was in AI CO.. when she was sec 4 we were sec 1.. he lives in yishun and moving to farrer road district 12.. haha.. very nice person la... I still find the whole water thing amusing... i suppose that's the biggest diff for me ba.. hanging with convent pple.. cuz co- ed more open la.. then cjc very conservative liddat.. the facils told the guys not to take off their shirts cuz the ladies might be uncomfortable... then i was like erpz... then i recalled how 4e3 last time the guys would just change in class.. and how drama the first syf we changed everywhere.. on the bus on hwa chong's premises in the library and everything.. lol...
All in all, it was fun for friday.. prob will be for monday... then lessons will start and then i'll see whether i wanna stay arnot.. O well it has been a long post.. and it took me 2 days to whine abt it.. hahhah.. Off for now!
Later noteseems that i keep going on abt douglas??! pls dun get the wrong idea.. He's just one of the more interesting pple that i met in the class...
12:03 PM
Wednesday, January 04, 2006,
7 linerLearnt the school song today... yup as stated above.. It's only 7 lines... with really weird tune.. it sounds like an ole war song or something....
We are heirs of a glorious kingdom
Of treasures past ages have bestowed
Of the truth wisdom love and peace
We rejoice to proclaim and uphold
Live in Truth live in Faith and Love
Let our light spread and brighten the night
Let our flame warm all hearts and unite

see my school's not particulary enthusiatic crest... the bird is dying la... welll it looks that way to me..
hahah.. Today liked i said learnt school song.. some weirdo cheers... i wld say they have weak cheers... learning the school song was okay la... makes me feel a sense of belonging?!! lol.....Did some bonding games... weird captain's ball.. JEDI VERSUS SITH... and er.. mass dance.. mass dance was a complete and utter failure... i dun nid to repeat why.. Obvious much... listen to the cca talk.. then had cca fest where thankfully, we are not sheparded ard and we were given free movement... they gave us abt 1 and 1/2 hour to walk and stuff la.. but Me and HQ finished in 30 mins.. then sit down and talk cock at the canteen... The ccas were okay la... put my name down for drama... stick with the familiars man... wanted to put my name down for guitar.. til my hopes and vision of it beinga casual laid back guitar club for casual cool songwrites and stuff was completely and utterly destroyed... It's a guitar club.. like yunno BAND which joins syf.. except that it yunno only uses guitars...
(DUH~) then put my name down for judo.. cuz it did look pretty cool.. and i liked the uniform.. and they needed girls.. and i like to help the needy.. *rolls eyeballs* lol... then put my name down for some other crap.. which i totally have no intention of joining and only put my name down for 2 reasons... 1. to stop them from talking... 2. to get the 'goodies' which is yunno chocs and stuff...
O BTW.. Today is the last day of us being in our IG (also known as OG for some schs) tml we get allocated to classes and stuff... a lil sucky.. considering the fact that i really do like my facis.. especially Alex.. She's really cool... And Sherman is in judo.. Queen's in Council and guess wat.. they all 3 wear braces... hahah... they are really fun.. but then again i wun miss my group that much... Mite actually start looking forward to see wat classes they have at JC actually... CJC have tutorials and lectures.. tutorials held in classrooms.. which are small... smaller then sec scchs one.. and lectures in well lecture halls.. fully air-cond but can be slightly claustraphobic if u ask me... They like AI seperate into junior and senior blks... pretty okay actually... and acc. to Alex.. the Audi in the performing arts centre is super comfy! haha...Still hate the hall tho... hurts... My leg is still cramping... ow... But okay with the travel time already la.. It ain't that bad...
This coming Friday or next monday.. Itink we goin outside to canoe? no idea... but next monday is our finale nite.. who wanna bet a hundred bucks it's cfm campfire and mass dance...
Dunno wat to say le.. and getting a bit hungry.. so i'll go grab something to eat for dinner.. and !!!! Watch the nanny! woots...
6:13 PM
Tuesday, January 03, 2006,
george w. BUSHEDNo.. doffuses.. i'm not really gonna start talking abt mr george w. bush...
emphasis on the Bushed part please I'm bushed... CJC was big I'll give you that.. but I detest the HALL and TOILETS... Majorly old.. The hall even tho. it's air-cond, is majorly small.. Like super duper 1/4 of AI size... i assure you that no form of exaggeration was done..And I miss the people connection... AKA yes.. the group... All thru out the day i was wondering at this time last year, what wld i be doing? Slacking drinking tea eating pizza bread... slping in class.. Slacking away In drama... Going to 110 for cheap 1.50 chicken rice... slacking and long talk cock sessions... ahh.. life... But now i'm stuck here... with no real sense of reality.. doing a whacked up mass dance.. (everyone knows i can't dance to save my life)in a foreign strange place which is like a 联谊for SJI boys and CHIJ girls... My gosh... And you can know how tired I am because I had 1 large cup of COKE and it did nothing to make me feel refreshed or happy.. Now go figure...
But okay la the school.. hate the travelling time... izzit too late to transfer to YJC?? cuz i really dun fancy travelling at peak hours everyday... with many pple at mrts and busses... Tml is CCA fest... get to see wat kinda CCA they have.. Mite not join Drama again... you 'll neva know.. At one point of time, I tot doing drama would be a lifetime thing? but now no.. not really.. Growing out of a childhood dream is sad yet inevitable....But then again.. I mite.. lol.. see wat they have for tml la... Today was okay.. played a couple of stupid ice-breakers.. my partner was this St Gabrielle's dude.. name's Alvan.. I tink... got bored to hell by the P. MG... He tops TKJ anyday... made us sat in the dingey lil hall for 1 hour ++... until even ur butt cramp... then every where hurts too much so u can't exactly sleep... you can't exactly move your legs ard w/o hitting the pple ard you.. so u go figure... But my Facis seem quite cool la.. i'll give you that..
Yunno wat i'll give it a couple of weeks of trial then make my opinion on it... Or maybe i'll make it tml.. lol... Definately Cutting class on friday.. trying to work out my excuses now.. I'll come thru.. i always do...
i tink...
Apologies for such a non-organized entry.. i'm lazy and tired.. so i'm yakking nonsense... still got school tml, i'll see if I can perk myself up with some green tea.. and maybe be back later to give a nicer entry.. then again.. Maybe not.. lol.. Till then..I'm off brewing
5:43 PM
Monday, January 02, 2006,
A Monday sunday and a Sunday MondayYesterday felt like a monday.. today feels like a sunday.. My bioclock has so gone down the drain...
Changed my blogskin again.. Happier with this one.. lalallala... *spams* I'm spamming my own blog.. My life has officially gone to boredom hell... I'm dreading and yet looking forward to tml.. Dreading cuz i hate new places.. Looking forward Cuz I finally get to spend some time away from my house... Hopefully, I'll fit in okay.. i dunno.. i hate going to new places... I detest and resist change! DOWN WITH THE SYSTEM!!!
cues pitchforks and burning torches lol.. right... that wasn't suppose to happen.. lol... And the fact that iDetest the AI school u doesn't help make anything better.. I tried it on yesterday.. made me feel fat and ugly again ... arg... *bimbotic thoughts*
o well.. I have to go.. Poopid parents are nagging me for some odd reasons.... poopid
6:11 PM
Sunday, January 01, 2006,
It's the birth of a new year.. yesterday's or much rather today's plan of catching the first sunrise of the year has gone to hell.. It was raining heavily this morning....
Had a new year's eve lunch at pizza hut with the group exclusion of gary.. he's working and he's virtually uncontactable these days...pretty okay.. had our usual sit down talk abt everything conversation.... will miss those...the day before yesterday, me nic and nats went back to poke into the juniors rehearsals... quite frankly, if they dun wanna commit, i dun see how they can pull it off.. It's next wed no? ai ya... but the seniors are invited back for the cca open hse.. will cut class den.. no big...
Went for a family BBQ last nite.. okay la.. neva realised our family had so many babies.. when they are teenagers, god.. i'll be almost 30.. that sux... haha.. had a little to drink last nite.. I know.. I'm on medication.. I ain supposed to touch Alcohol.. but screwed it la... It's the New Year... but after drinking a few sips last nite, I must say AMEN to something really loudly.. "Life's too short to drink Cheap Wine" lol... Amen to that...
Can't believe class is starting in wat 2 days? CJC here i come? so not the case... i'm too lethargic and my bio clock is still pretty screwed if you ask me....Not as screwed as
Senor El Droicut is... haha...
Christmas.. was well.. very non-christmassy if you ask me.. i had a sorta conf.. with nic and nats.. gary never called back.. i wondered why... Then it was off to Genting... which was pretty fun.. as in the weather.. love the weather... 16 degrees everyday.. with no rain.. it's like a full day air-cond.. and considering the fact that my skin is the best under these conditions, yea.. i must say i was rather happy... pictures are up at
TakaoI'm lazy to do photolog as well.. recently photobucket is down.... and i'm, really lazy... lol...
Festivals are coming really quick next year.. On Jan 29th, it's the chinese new year.. All of you are cordially invited to my house if you guys wan.. on the 3rd day? lol.... will be re-confirming again
10:48 AM